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The Power of Minerals in Enhancing the Beautiful Colors and Luster of Koi

The Secret of Mineral Plus for Raising Koi Fish

This is an interview article by a reporter from RINKO MAGAZINE ( This time, we discussed the development of Shinsuke Co., Ltd’s products, focusing on the minerals that condition koi.

Read on to learn from this water quality expert, on how to raise koi healthily and beautifully, creating an optimal environment is paramount, but Mr. Yamamura has a more in-depth approach.

Interview with Yoshihiro Yamamura on Shinsuke Method

Yoshihiro Yamamura, CEO and developer of Shinsuke Co., Ltd., has been involved with the tropical fish industry for 35 years, learning and practicing theoretical water purification. Many famous koi farms such as Sakai Fish Farm, Dainichi Koi Farm, Isa Koi Farm and more have recognized the effectiveness of Shinsuke Koi products.

In this interview, we talked about the importance of minerals that condition koi.

Yamamura: I believe that “minerals” are also essential to raising beautiful koi.

Interviewer: Shinsuke Co., Ltd has a product called “Mineral Plus.” What was the inspiration behind its development?

Yamamura: It started when a dealer mentioned that they wished for a product that could enhance sumi (black pigmentation). It clicked with me based on my experiences in Thailand.

Interviewer: You were involved with ornamental fish in Thailand, weren’t you?

Yamamura: Yes. At that time, I noticed that Thai black Ranchu goldfish were much blacker compared to the Chinese ones. Later, we exported Thai black Ranchu goldfish to a Korean customer, but within a month, we received complaints that their color had faded. We suspected that water quality differences were the cause, and upon checking the groundwater quality in Thailand, we found it to be high in hardness. Although I am unsure of the hardness of the groundwater and tap water in China, I believe the Korean customer’s water was soft. 

Interviewer: Japanese tap water and groundwater are generally soft, but it is well known that higher hardness can bring out the sumi.

Yamamura: That’s right. Thai koi enthusiasts have commented that “Thai water makes sumi rise easily, making it easy to raise Shiro Utsuri and Showa.” This confirmed my belief that higher water hardness brings out the sumi.

Is “Mineral Plus” a product that enhances sumi?

Yamamura: We conducted experiments with a dealer, and sure enough, the sumi became more prominent.

Interviewer: That’s impressive.

Yamamura: Initially, it was named “Sumi Deru” (Ink Raiser) (laughs). However, the product wasn’t developed solely for that purpose. I believed that creating the best environment for koi would not only enhance the sumi but also the hi (red pigmentation). In fact, breeders have reported that “while it does bring out the sumi, it also brings out the hi.”

Interviewer: That’s the effect of the minerals.

Yamamura: Another inspiration for developing “Mineral Plus” came from my experience. As I mentioned earlier, I attended the Coral Research School established in Cairns, Australia, as its first generation student in 1993. There, I learned about the importance of minerals and realized that a balanced supply of minerals is essential for both humans and fish.

Interviewer: What kind of lectures did you have?

Yamamura: We learned about artificial seawater for growing corals. You might only think of salt when it comes to seawater, but it actually consists of many minerals, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and molybdenum. Any deficiency in these can hinder coral growth.

How do you make seawater for growing corals?

Yamamura: You mix salt with dozens of minerals. If the number of minerals is insufficient, you end up with low-quality artificial seawater.

Interviewer: The variety and balance of minerals are important.

Yamamura: Exactly. Since all life originated from the sea, the importance of minerals isn’t limited to corals. Human amniotic fluid and tears contain almost the same components as seawater.

Interviewer: Speaking of which, have you seen trees growing on rocks? That’s also thanks to minerals.

Interviewer: Trees growing on sheer cliffs? I always wondered how they absorbed nutrients.

Yamamura: The roots release a strong acid called root acid, which dissolves the minerals in the rocks, ionizes them, and absorbs them.

Trees live thanks to minerals. Saying minerals are the “source of life” isn’t an exaggeration.

Interviewer: Minerals are one of the five major nutrients essential for maintaining and regulating bodily functions.

Yamamura: When the Earth was formed, various elements were mixed together, but over time, heavier elements gathered in the center while lighter elements remained on the surface. Life has utilized these minerals.

Interviewer: There’s a long history between minerals and life.

Yamamura: Because organisms naturally need these components, water with a proper amount and balance of minerals tastes good.

Water from regions known for rice or sake has a good balance and amount of minerals. Niigata, the birthplace of koi, is also a “rice region” and a “sake region.”

By the way, minerals don’t work alone but rather in collaboration.

Interviewer: What do you mean?

Yamamura: People say that taking iron is good for anemia, but taking only iron won’t improve anemia. Copper, zinc, lead, cobalt, selenium, and others are needed to help.

Interviewer: Like in sports, teamwork is important.

Yamamura: Exactly. It’s like soccer, where many players’ teamwork leads to goals. Various minerals working together positively affect the body.

What minerals are essential for koi color & growth?

Yamamura: There are many, but calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium are particularly essential for koi growth. To grow large and beautiful koi, breeders release Koi to mud ponds. Mud ponds are rich in minerals.

Interviewer: The secret to koi’s beauty in mud ponds lies in minerals!

Yamamura: I believe the benefits of mud ponds can be summarized in three points:

  1. The spacious area allows for relaxed living, promoting koi growth.
  2. It can prevent summer water temperature rises.
  3. It contains plenty of minerals, improving color and luster.

We focused on the third point and developed “Mineral Plus.”

Interviewer: “Mineral Plus” creates a mud pond environment.

Yamamura: Japan’s islands are formed from marine sediments, making it a country formed by minerals. However, minerals vary by region. As an aside, in agriculture, groundwater is examined, and fertilizers are made by blending minerals lacking in the region, which are then given to crops. If this spreads nationwide, Japanese agriculture would be incredible.

Applying this principle to mud ponds means different minerals are present in each pond system. It’s challenging to create a mineral blend that provides consistent effects for koi. Using the mineral knowledge I gained in Cairns, I worked hard to balance the minerals. Unfortunately, the details are top secret, so I can’t share them here (laughs).

Interviewer: What minerals in “Mineral Plus” affect koi? Could you share a little?

Yamamura: Just a little. The essence of “Mineral Plus” lies in the calcium and magnesium ion concentrations, along with minerals that activate melanocytes, the pigment cells.

Interviewer: “Mineral Plus” is packed with minerals that enhance the beauty of koi.

Yamamura: Since calcium is easily absorbed, koi grow stronger, and the added minerals promote growth. Supplementing minerals often lacking in pond water reduces disease susceptibility and aids recovery.

Interviewer: Specifically, how is it used?

Yamamura: Mix 5-10 grams (0.18 to 0.32 oz; 1 – 2 tablespoon)  per ton of water (265 gallons) in a bucket, then add it to the pond or spread it evenly. It may cloud the water, but if that bothers you, make it into a ball and place it in the final filter chamber. Ideally, use it 2-3 times a month. However, since water quality varies by region, please adjust the amount and frequency accordingly.

Interviewer: Adding “Mineral Plus” ensures optimal mineral levels in the pond, enhancing koi health and beauty.

Interviewer: Shinsuke Koi products are designed for this purpose.

Yamamura: Yes. We offer products that support everything from water quality improvement to mineral supplementation.

Interview To Be Continued…

Beneficial Bacteria for Creating Healthy Water in Your Pond

Water Quality Management System to Protect Koi Health

View All Shinsuke Water Treatments for Healthy Water

Bacto Power


Now introducing Bacto Power to our product range. BACTO POWER is a revolutionary water conditioner with a unique blend of facultative anaerobic bacteria, proteolytic enzyme and more than 10 different kinds of aerobic bacteria.

BACTO POWER provides your Koi with ideal environment by 

  • Helping in the decomposition of organic matter
  • Stabilizing pH
  • Preventing pollution (Nitrate reduction)
  • Promoting the formation of an effective ecosystem 

BACTO POWER is cultured and dried to pure at the pharmaceutical level with advanced Japanese microorganism technology. 

Improve the health of your pond water and keep pH stable with Bacto Power.

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Bio Sponge


This seemingly ordinary sponge, has a special effect . The material of Shinsuke Bio Sponge is a particular sponge-like material, specifically invented and designed for forming BIO FILM. As such, Shinsuke Bio Sponge has a high retention ratio for bacteria, which is hard to reduce, even when located under water. Shinsuke Bio Sponge is UV ray resistant and is designed for multi-bay filters but is also suitable for moving – bed filters! Use Shinsuke Bio Sponge combined with Shinsuke Bacto Power for the best result.

Improve your water quality with, Bio Sponge’s high retention ratio for bacteria, which is hard to reduce, even when located under water or by exposure to ultraviolet rays.

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Mineral Plus


Mineral Plus is our new product, developed on our Shinsuke koi product concept, “Making koi more beautiful with the ideal surrounding.”

Koi in a Japanese mud pond get a lot of natural minerals, which very often are missing in a concrete pond. These minerals provide better growth, good structure and a healthy immune system . Shinsuke Mineral Plus also ensures the colors of the Koi come up well. Shinsuke Mineral Plus is a mixture of natural minerals and trace elements, but it’s most unique by the extra micro minerals.

Add minerals to make pond water the same quality as mud pond water.

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