Koi Academy – Week 5 – Other Varieties (Goshiki, Shusui, Asagi, Koromo, Bekko)


Watch Taro & Mamoru Kodama explain the details of the Bekko, Asagi, Shusui, Koromo, Goshiki varieties.

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Sample Video of Kodama Koi Academy

What is Kodama Koi Academy?

Kodama Koi Academy is an online Seminar hosted by the founder of Kodama Koi Farm, Mamoru Kodama and his son Taro Kodama who currently runs the company. The purpose of these educational videos is for the students to learn more about koi and to strengthen their koi appreciation, while also learning how to be a better koi buyer so they can enjoy koi just as much has we do here at the farm.

Learn from Koi Master Mamoru Kodama!

Mamoru Kodama has dedicated his life to the study, care and cultivation of the highest quality Nishikigoi. It all started over 50 years ago when Mamoru founded Miyoshiike Co., a specialized dealer of Niigata Nishikigoi in Japan. The Kodama family has maintained their relationships with breeders in Japan over the years and along with their knowledge have been able to grow Kodama Koi Farm to be the largest importer and distributor of Japanese Nishikigoi in the United States since moving the company to Hawaii in 2006. To pass on his knowledge and the traditions of his craft, Mamoru became an educator. Traveling around the world leading koi seminars like this one and even writing books such as Kokugyo l, Kokugyo ll, and Kokugyo lll which are considered to be the bible for koi lovers.

Click here to learn more about Mamoru and Kodama Koi Farm

Where do I sign up?

You can access the files by clicking the add to cart button above and checking out. Also make sure to click here and purchase access to each of the Koi Academy seminars!

Note: One $10 ticket for access to the Kodama Koi Academy Seminar is only valid for one email address (the email used for your Kodamakoifarm.com account)